Totally Local VC and the Local Love Project and have compiled a list of assistance resources that may be of use to you during the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. The list includes national, state and Ventura County information as well as where you can find local assistance of all sorts. We will continue to expand and update this list in an effort to bring you the most current information on what help and assistance is available to you.
Donate to the Local Love Project
Thousands of people in Ventura County are in dire need of assistance.
We are asking you to help us to help them. Please donate today!
Here is our COVID-19 Assistance Resource List
COVID-19 Coronavirus updates
Need to know the latest national, state and local news regarding the pandemic? These are the places you will find what you want. Just click on the links and you’ll find a wealth of information.
National Information
The latest official information from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force at the White House. Lots of information and FAQs using links to several sites including the CDC, FEMA and the White House.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a federal agency dedicated to protecting health & promoting quality of life through prevention and control of disease, injury, and disability. They have taken the lead in coordinating the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their website contains an enormous amount useful information.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
FEMA is responsible for coordinating the federal government’s response to natural and man-made disasters. The site keeps you up-to-date on what they’re doing. It also has a very good section on Cornonavirus Rumors to help the public distinguish between rumors and facts regarding the response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
State of California Information
Coronavirus (COVID-19) in California
The State of California’s COVID-19 website provides news, suggestions and instructions for California residents.
California Department of Public Health
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is the state department responsible for public health in California. They provide up-to-date news and statistics regarding the pandemic.
Ventura County Information
Excellent local resource for Coronavirus Information in Ventura County. Topics include Vaccinations, COVID-19 Testing, Booster Shots, School/Childcare, Business and much more. They also have a Newsroom with the latest Ventura County News and Updates on the Coronavirus.
The official Ventura County Emergency Incident Information Source. They also have a good Newsroom.
211 Ventura County
211 Ventura County is a comprehensive information and referral service that connects community members to information about critical health and human services available in their community. 211 is FREE and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
On your mobile phone, call 211 or text “cornonavirus” to 211211 if you have questions regarding COVID-19.
Food Resources
Totally Local VC Ventura County Food Resource List
Information on restaurants, caterers, purveyors and other Ventura County food-related businesses offering take-out, delivery and curbside pickup. And, the latest hours for Ventura County Farmers’ Markets.
Ventura Avenue Restore Food Distribution Day
Open to the general public – walk up only. Saturdays at 3:00pm, Avenue Thrift Store, 222 Ventura Av, Ventura, CA 93001. You must obey social distancing and safety guidelines – 6 feet apart. Food provided in partnership with Restore Ventura, The Local Love Project, Avenue Thrift Store and Surf Rodeo.
Totally Local VC Farmers’ Markets Resource Guide
Downloadable PDF of Ventura County Farmers’ Markets
Totally Local VC Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Resource Guide
Downloadable PDF of Ventura County CSAs
Food Share food bank
As Ventura County’s regional food bank, Food Share provides food for over 75,000 hungry friends and neighbors monthly. Up-to-date information on temporary pantry closures, pop-up distribution sites and emergency volunteer opportunities.
Find a food pantry
Food Share keeps an updated list of Ventura County food panties.
Ojai Assistance
HELP of Ojai
A basic needs provider to people in Ojai, equipped to assist clients when they are at their most vulnerable. Programs include food boxes, senior nutrition, transportation and more. Click here for current information.
Senior Assistance
Ventura County Area Agency on Aging
The VCAAA helps keep seniors and caregivers in our communities informed about services and resources that will help them better navigate this difficult time. Excellent resources include general help for seniors and COVID-19 specific help for seniors.
For seniors who have mobility issues or are unable to leave their homes to go to the pharmacy, using a prescription delivery service is a simple solution. Caring.com provides seniors and their caregivers with the best prescription delivery services for seniors, information on financial assistance options, and guidance on choosing the best service for their specific needs.
Resources for the Homeless
Resources for Homeless during COVID-19
Ventura County publishes a downloadable PDF file of local resources for the homeless.
Homeless shelters
County of Ventura Human Services Agency provides a list of local resources shelters for the homeless.
Emotional and Mental Health
Give an Hour
Ongoing, no-cost online help and support line to connect with others and learn healthy habits to maintain emotional well-being through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Free online self-serve curated content, hand-picked to support mental and emotional wellness through this difficult time.
Disaster Distress Helpline
Call (800) 985-5990 to reach a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to the Coronavirus pandemic or any other natural or human-caused disaster.
Financial assistance, individuals and employers
California Employment Development Department (EDD)
A variety of support services and information for individuals and employers affected by COVID-19 in California. Includes how to apply for unemployment insurance, self-employment benefits and more.
Ventura County Rental Assistance Program
Ventura County Supervisors have approved a $10 million housing grant program designed to help people who have lost income because of the pandemic, can’t make rent and could end up homeless if they lost their rental residences. Online applications will be available at https://www.vcemergency.com/rent for two weeks beginning on June 17.
Ventura County Rapid Response Fund
Funding for individuals and families living in Ventura County affected by the pandemic.
California Labor & Workforce Development Agency (LWDA)
Information about resources and assistance available for workers, families, and employers affected by the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Includes a handy chart showing the benefits workers impacted by COVID-19 may receive.
805 UNDOCUFund
A joint effort of immigrant-serving organizations in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties to provide relief to local immigrant families.
Small Business Assistance
Economic Development Collaborative
Their new COVID-19 Business Resource List is now available for employees and employers that have been impacted by COVID-19 and includes state and local assistance, business finance, the terrific, downloadable COVID-19 Business Resource Guide and the opportunity to make an appointment with a Client Service Specialist.
Small Business Administration
Provides small business guidance and loan resources as well as disaster assistance to California small businesses economically impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV)
Provides a number of programs and other resources to assist small businesses impacted by COVID-19 including Quick Response Loans.
Ventura County Business Assistance and Resources
Ventura County provides a list of business resources including business consultants, loan opportunities, training programs and much more.